Family Lines

Initial Assessment



The purpose of an Assessment Project is to establish a firm foundation for research.  It is a preliminary stage in which the information available is carefully evaluated.

If you have Irish roots but have only a little information about your ancestors, then the first steps are to verify this information and establish and document a solid basis for further research. 

Relevant sources will be consulted including civil and church records, available census returns and land valuations.

An Assessment also endeavours to identify the geographical area in which your ancestor lived.


The Assessment package is ideal for situations where there is is very little information available about an ancestor born in Ireland.  

An Assessment can prevent commissioning research that has little chance of success and avoid wasting money on fruitless searches.

I offer thorough, well documented and carefully presented research with all sources carefully annotated.

I will evaluate the results and determine what research options have a good possibility of success before recommending a personal research strategy.

Your Assessment Report

You will receive a Genealogical Report containing:

  • A summary of the research conducted
  • Verified details of the ancestor you have chosen
  • Details of relevant Births/Marriages/Deaths found
  • Details of church Baptisms/Marriages/Burials found
  • Copies of relevant census returns
  • Transcriptions of relevant handwritten documents which cannot be copied
  • Guidance about future research possibilities


An Initial Assessment is offered at a competitive fixed price of €180.

This includes all materials, travel costs, research fees, photocopying and postage charges.

There are no extras.

To enquire about an Initial Assessment Package please contact me.

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