Family Lines

Michael Walsh MAGI Irish Genealogist hoto

About me...

About me...

Fully Qualified

For almost 12 years I have been a full member of AGI (Accredited Genealogists Ireland) which is the accrediting body for Irish Genealogists and the leading professional organisation for family historians and researchers in Ireland.

I currently serve on the National Council of AGI and at the present time, I hold the post of AGI Vice President.

I have lectured on genealogy at City Colleges and the National Archives in Dublin and also in the USA.

My business background and project management expertise have given me a set of skills that are particularly useful in modern genealogical research.  I have a very logical and methodical approach to gathering and analysing data, strong problem-solving skills and good attention to detail.

AGI badge

A full member of AGI

(Accredited Genealogists Ireland)


I have been working in Irish genealogy for nearly 20 years.  During this time I have helped many people across the world to trace their Irish ancestors.

In addition, I have worked with the descendants of numerous emigrant families to research their families in the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and elsewhere as well as tracing their ancestors in Ireland.  This has allowed me to provide a seamless and integrated family history.


My Aims

My principal aim is to offer a reliable and friendly service that helps people discover their Irish roots.


I aim to help those:

  • who want help with their Irish family history research

  • whose ancestors emigrated to the USA, Britain or elsewhere and want to discover more about their Irish family

  • who want a competent and reliable person to undertake research work for them in Ireland

  • who want to come to Ireland and see where their ancestors lived and to  “walk in their footsteps”

My family history

During my life I have developed a keen interest in genealogy and spent a lot of time unravelling my own Irish and English family history in Co. Armagh and Co. Clare in Ireland and Lancashire in England.

Since retiring from a career in IT, I have been able to devote more time to my passion for genealogy and to offer a range of genealogy services professionally.

My Genealogy services

I am particularly interested in helping Irish families who emigrated and started a new life in the USA, in Britain and elsewhere.

I will always endeavour to deliver exceptional service which represents value for money in a friendly and professional manner.

Code of practice

I fully subscribe to the AGI Code of Practice.

IGRS Irish Genealogy Research Society logo

I am a full member of IGRS –

Irish Genealogy Research Society

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