Family Lines

Quality promise

My Quality Promise

Your Irish family history is important to me.  

I shall strive to be accurate and truthful. 

My Aim is to meet your requirements

and to deliver results to  your satisfaction.


My Quality Promise: Summary

  • Agreed scope
  • Original source documents
  • High quality presentation
  • Sources fully annotated
  • Fair charges

My Quality Promise: Summary

  • Agreed scope
  • Original source documents
  • High quality presentation
  • Sources fully annotated
  • Fair charges
My Quality Promise: the details

Statement of Work

Before commencing research, I will endeavour to document your requirements and ensure that they are fully understood.  I will also endeavour to provide a realistic assessment of the chances of success based on the information that you have provided and a likely timescale to complete.  I will also try to ensure that you understand the work to be undertaken, the timescale and cost.

Original source documents

Research will be conducted as far as possible from original source material. Transcriptions and other secondary sources will not be relied on as fact.  Copies of original documents will be included with the research report as far as possible.  When this is not possible due to copyright, a full and accurate transcription will be made.

Authoritative source material will be used to prove your ancestry and where necessary, will be corroborated by consulting additional sources.   For 19th and 20th century research you will be provided with copies of the original birth/baptismal and marriage certificates which were obtained to prove your ancestry, cross referenced to census information, where possible.

Ambiguous results will be communicated to you with such wording as “possibly” or “probably”, and will not be cited as fact.  All uncertainties, problems, discrepancies and inconsistencies will be reported. Any assumptions which were essential to make progress will also be reported.



Copies of documents presented in the research report will be fully annotated and sources cited..


I will endeavour to produce high quality reports with copies of documents written in a conversational style rather than a cold factual presentation.

Locations will be carefully mapped and and all sources will be carefully and accurately noted. All genealogical work commissioned will be thoroughly documented and well presented.


Actions which incur additional cost or impact estimated timescales will be reported to you for your consideration and agreement before being undertaken.

Where research cannot proceed to the extent originally anticipated, the reasons for this will be explained to you and fees will be reduced on a pro-rata basis.

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